Computação Paralela e Eu

8 de abril de 2017
AlfredoGoldman TUTORIAL I
Prof. Dr. Alfredo Goldman (USP)
Auditório Prof. Fernão Stella R. Germano – Bloco 6
Sábado (08/04) – 15h30 – 16h30
slides da palestra

Short CV: Alfredo Goldman is Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Grenoble’s Polytechnic Institute in 1999; his thesis addressed scheduling in Parallel Computing. In 2007, he spent one year at INRIA-Grenoble and, in 2015, one year at UC-Irvine doing research during his sabbatical leave. He has helped organize several conferences and workshops, like SBAC-PAD, WSCAD and SugarLoafPLoP, as well as create and consolidate the Brazilian Workshop on Agile Methods (which will have its 8th edition this year). He participates actively in the Brazilian HPC community: he was co-PC chair of the 2014 edition of SBAC-PAD in Paris and of the 2015 edition of WSCAD. He is coordinator for the HPC community in the Brazilian Computer Society. He was co-PC chair of the IEEE NCA 2014 in Boston. He is currently subject area editor of Elsevier Parallel Computing journal. He is the PC Chair for Cluster and Cloud Computing of Euro-Par 2017. He is PC member of several conferences, such as IEEE Services, IEEE HiPC, IEEE IPDPS, XP, and ACM SAC. His research interests include Agile Methods of Software Development and Parallel and Distributed Computing. He published over 100 papers in peer reviewed journals and conferences. He has supervised more than 30 masters of sciences, 5 PhDs and 2 postdocs. One of his students got the prestigious IBM Ph.D. Fellowship in 2013. He participated in several projects sponsored by Brazilian research agencies as well as the European Community and HP-Labs. Currently he coordinates a Capes-Cofecub project with France, a Procad project with two other Brazilian Universities (with a budget of 330K USD), and he is organizing an advanced school on Smart Cities in July 2017 (with a budget of 170K USD).

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